Get to know us  

Experienced advisors

 Our experience has accumulated through many years of practical leadership, we have solid experience in hands-on counseling of management groups and boards, crisis management, communication, training in handling personnel matters through a myriad of consulting projects.

At Navigate Metoo, we have a professional network of clinical psychologists, lawyers and consultants specialising in MeToo cases.

"We do it because we fundamentally believe that no one should get sick from going to work, no one should be unhappy, and our self-esteem and confidence should be boosted - not eroded."

Who are we?

Vibeke Hartkorn

Vibeke Hartkorn works with executives and boards of directors when they want to achieve strong communication methods and organizational impact on the road to business development, stakeholder management and public branding. 

Vibeke coaches leaders, develops communication methods and creates starting points for stakeholder management. 

Vibeke has a long professional career in journalism, psychology, systemic coaching and corporate communication and board work and has been trained in Denmark and the USA. 

Vibeke is the author of a number of books on career life, leadership communication, healthy workplace culture and change in the age of the technological revolution. 

As a consultant, Vibeke is energizing, ambitious on your behalf and good at creating solutions are effective in practice.

Meet Vibeke here:

Johnny Hassinggaard Jensen

Johnny is one of Denmark's best performance coaches and organisational developers in Danish and international consultancies, cultivating leadership and employeeship to create motivation, self-esteem, energy and commitment, and thereby strong performance.

Solid experience from working in management teams and executive boards, as an officer in the Danish Defence and as a business owner in several international management consultancies.

Johnny is co-author of the book SHIFT - Create sustainable transformations.

As a consultant, Johnny is present, humorous, positively challenging, engaging and good at creating motivation for change.

Meet Johnny here:

Mette Hassinggaard

Mette Hassinggaard has worked in commercial roles in international organisations for the past 30 years as a founder of her own companies and as an employee in large international groups.

Mette has since been employed in the management consultancy industry with focusing on sales, sales management, efficiency and leadership development.

With a business career deeply rooted in integrity balanced with a commercial approach to business development, growth and performance, Mette now throws all her energy and drive into supporting and empowering organisations and companies in an age that calls for strong corporate culture as a lever for result creation.

As a partner in Naviagte Metoo, Mette is the person you meet when you need to find your solution for a good collaboration with us.

Meet Mette here:

Johnny, Mette and Vibeke (video in Danish)

Watch this video where we tell you a little more about ourselves.